Jan 22, 2011

Day 14 - AAA - Makenai Kokoro

I reviewed the "PARADISE" PV for GK, and based on that I was excited to listen to "Makenai Kokoro." AAA isn't my favorite group in the world, but "PARADISE" was a solid electro-pop song that's just fun to listen to, and I was hoping for more of the same. I was disappointed. Every song on the single is shoddily build, and the title track is the worst offender. "Makenai Kokoro" itself seem to take itself too seriously, with the music dropping back constantly as though to emphasize how important "x" part is in the lyrics, and thereby weakening it significantly at the musical level. "Day by Day" is a bit of a non-sequitur genre-wise after "Makenai Kokoro," and winds up sounding more like an Arashi/AKB48 alliance than a AAA song. "WOW WAR TONIGHT" lies someplace between "Makenai Kokoro" and "Day by Day" with its chill electronic elements and ska-esque beat... Which is only one part of what makes it bizarre to listen to. It suffers from an identity crisis. It starts as a laid-back electro-ska song, then morphs into a hyper electro-ska song, then morphs into just eletro-pop. Add to the identity crisis the annoying and oft-repeated chorus, and it's just no good. The two instrumentals are no better, unless it's to see why the regular versions of "Makenai Kokoro" and "Day by Day" are so broken. As badly as I want to like this single, I just can't to it. Pass.

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