Jul 10, 2011

Hiatus is OVER

Damn if that didn't take long enough!

My apologies. You'd never believe everything that's happened to me since the beginning of June. Let's just say that we had a mini Robot War at my house, and we'll call it close enough.

Anyway, the hiatus is over! And I'd like to take this opportunity to announce a change in format for the blog. Previously I would assign myself one or two new releases to listen to and review each day, but I found that my assignments were usually not music I was terribly interested in. Occasionally I'd see something that I was determined to listen to and would plug it into the calendar, but for the most part the process of assigning myself music was very hit and miss. (Mostly miss.) I was starting to dread listening to my assignments, because I knew that I probably wouldn't like what I was hearing. In the mean time, I started listening to everything that was released in the week in order to pick out music for GKAA. I noticed that there was good music coming out, and that I was just missing it when I chose my reviews because only one or two CDs out of twenty or more were the good ones.

That got me wondering how I could review the good music instead of the lame music. Finally I decided that I'd just keep listening to all the new releases, then post about what I felt strongly about (either good or bad). That would keep me from writing a ton of posts saying "Well, this wasn't really that great, but I guess it wasn't that bad...." and help me look forward to listening to the music again.

So that's the new format. Right now I think I'll be posting once a week, but that will probably move up to two or three times a week soon. (Trying to compile all that information and music and save up all that passion for a week is actually a pretty tough task.) I'll be starting tonight, and will do my best to keep on a weekly schedule. Can't wait to get started!

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