That being said, I couldn't find anything that I was truly impressed with, either. I think that the band's inspiration must be to play music that's "Dir en Grey light:" there's a lot stylistically (especially the vocals) that reminds me of Dir en Grey, but they lack the ragged edge that makes Dir en Grey unique. The music is easy to listen to (I could turn "DEEP SIX" on and listen to it on loop several times without it bothering), but if I wanted to listen to something that got my feet tapping or my head bobbing or my blood flowing "DEEP SIX" wouldn't be my choice. It's a hard to pin down what went wrong when a performance is essentially good but lacks the spark that animates a mass of coherent rhythm and sound into a head-banging Frankenstein's monster. Let me reiterate: the music on the single is good. It is not "meh." But it's not all that great, either.
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