Sep 15, 2011

Further hiatus updates

Oh my god.....Internet..... @_@

So, I think it's obvious from the title of this post that I'm not back yet. I've completed my move, but I've been having trouble convincing Comcast to give me internet, so I don't actually have any way of posting or doing my research. (I'm posting from a cafe right now, but you can imagine how I might not want to pay a $5 per hour "coffee charge" for the internet.) Until Comcast hooks me up, I can't really post, and I don't have any word from them yet on when I'll get a connection. Right now all I can promise is that I'll start working again as soon as I have the internet. Thanks for being so patient - I can't wait to make my comeback! :D

Sep 3, 2011

Hiatus Update

Hello all!

It's the beginning of September, and I figured it was about time for an update.

The good news: my husband and I were able to recruit my sister for childcare until she goes back to school at the end of the month, which took a lot of pressure off us in terms of my husband being able to wrap things up at his job and me being able to pack. We found a place in Portland (woot!) and will be moving up there on the 10th. Best of all (for me...maybe not for the blog), I'll have my weekends back! Wahoo!!!

The bad news: the site will be on hiatus until at least the 12th while I get the rest of our stuff packed up and moved out. It's looking like I might have to use the rest of my vacation for it, too, which is sad, because I wanted to use it to see Dreams Come True in Seattle. *has a sad*

So I'll make the promise to be back, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, on the 15th. Hopefully that'll give me enough time to finish this crazy thing, at which point I can go back to my routine of being unstressed, listening to Japanese music, and providing awesome commentary on it. Also, buying tea from the specialty spice place down the street from us. And sipping coffee from cute little corner bistros for breakfast. And going to Japanese lives on weeknights because I only have to make a 15 minute drive to get back to my house to sleep at night. You know. The usual.


To hold you over, here's the playlist I've been using to pack to (after the jump). I literally could never get sick of listening to this music.